A&B MYLEC’s patented plant simulation package RESOURCE_MASTOR, enables timely and accurate simulations of product yield and quality for your resource and plant feed data. RESOURCE_MASTOR uses validated washability data to highlight any source of inefficiency in the Coal Preparation Plant (CPP). RESOURCE_MASTOR is a user-friendly simulation package that utilises a whole of circuit modelling approach, incorporating a combination of available literature and in-house models, and can be custom designed for your specific mine site CPP. Generation of washability tables from borecore, strip samples or plant feed samples can be used for the generation of budget yield expectations and forward production planning or shorter term reconciliation of actual versus expected comparisons. Target / optimum CPP setup configuration and medium settings can be generated to minimise operating run hours at incorrect and / or inefficient conditions.

Clear layout of up to eight simulation data sources enables multiple scenarios can be simulated easily. The size distribution across each CPP circuit is clearly displayed for the individual feed sources and the combined feed source.

Parameters utilised to simulate metallurgical efficiency are clearly displayed and can easily be altered. The impact of changing each of the parameters is graphically displayed to illustrate the impacts of the metallurgical efficiency parameters.

Simulations can be run in either a fixed ash or fixed SG mode with the use of a drop down box. The use of simple push button tools enables the user to start the simulation process easily and rapidly.

Simulation outputs are clearly displayed on a circuit by circuit and whole of plant basis for both the product(s) and the reject streams. Each simulation can be custom built to meet your particular circuit configuration. All simulations can be recorded at the touch of a button with all information stored in a separate tab. Utilising as little as a plant feed ash sample and a resource database, RESOURCE_MASTOR can be used to quickly simulate any changes in dilution from a feed source.

“RESOURCE_MASTOR™ enables timely and accurate simulations of product yield and quality for your resource and plant feed data”

Contact us to discuss how we can deliver operational cost savings to your mining operation.

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