Utilisation Technology

HomeServicesUtilisation Technology

A&B Mylec’s Utilisation Technology hub provides expert technical advice to the Australian coal industry and energy industry in the use of coal products. Expertise includes:

  • Evaluating the impact of fuel properties on power plant and blast furnace performance,
  • Optimising and troubleshooting power station operations,
  • Research into utilisation of thermal and metallurgical coals,
  • Underground coal gasification,
  • Performing energy feasibility studies, and
  • Detailed testing and evaluation of a variety of fuels for combustion.

The hub services coal producers and coal users to assist them with coal utilisation areas such as:

  • Technical marketing of coals,
  • Value in use of coals,
  • Blending and optimising blend components, and
  • Troubleshooting, researching and solving utilisation issues.

Contact us to discuss how we can deliver operational cost savings to your mining operation.

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